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Every teacher he's had said he's just sharp as a tack but he can't understand anything he reads. He can read you a 12th grade level book but he couldn't say anything about it.

He started off a little behind when he was a baby. We were going to a neurologist, actually two different neurologists, when he was three. Three years later we were kind of having the same results as we were before – things like going out in public, social skills, being able to sit down, physical attacks, not being able to understand what he reads. Every teacher he’s had said he’s just sharp as a tack but he can’t understand anything he reads. He can read you a 12-grade level book but he couldn’t say anything about it. He would be tired a lot which would make him irritable and cranky. We also had him on two types of medicine at this point. When he was younger when he would get mad, he might hit his head against the wall. Whenever we would get together with people he would just wander off. There could be a whole bunch of kids out playing and he wouldn’t join in.

Everybody at Brain Balance was phenomenal. They were wonderful. Going through the motions … It was tough. As you know, if you want this to work you’ve got to work the program.

Now, he can sit down. He can focus. He can have a conversation with you. He’s not running all over the place. He’s not throwing fits. We went the first session before we took him off Strattera. We started noticing the difference. So we were like, “Let’s start weening him off and see what happens.” Man, we took him off the Strattera and we saw a different kid. It’s like he wasn’t in a fog anymore. It was unbelievable! Now he plays with the kids, now he wants the kids to come over and play with him.

You can call anybody and have them call me and I would go to the top of the tallest mountain and scream it. I know my wife would too. We’ve just seen what Brain Balance has done for us. We can help another child. It’s not the children’s fault. They can’t control a lot of these behaviors because they’re not wired that way yet. It’s making a change. It’s actually doing something. I just found it absolutely fascinating.

At the end of the day, there’s one big thing that I failed to mention. He’s happy. Before you didn’t see him smile, you didn’t see him laugh. Now you hear him giggle, and skip, and sing. He’s such a happy kid all the time now. He really is.

Brain Balance students progress an average of 2.6 levels in 3 months for sensory motor exercises. On average, customers surveyed rated their satisfaction at 8.5 on a 10 point scale.
