Ryan was diagnosed with ADHD and suspected Asperger Syndrome (ASD).
He was bullied because he was different than the other kids. He was unable to read social cues. Things were spiraling out of control at home and at school. We were doing the best we could, but we didn’t have all the tools that Brain Balance could give him. Within the first week of starting the program, Ryan wasn’t as revved up. Three weeks in, he started having conversations and reading facial expressions. He started to stay focused and developed fine motor skills.
We’re happy because we saw him starting to enjoy things. He’s learning how to ride a bike. He’s been able to make friends. Ryan changed into an entirely different person, the person he can be. He’s now able to sit, read and hold onto information. Now he comes home and does his homework, without meltdowns or screaming fits. Things at home are just a lot happier, calmer, and more relaxed. Now, we can go out and actually enjoy it. Brain Balance really worked for Ryan. There are no medications involved, which is a huge plus. Brain Balance has long-lasting effects that stay with him. I would recommend it over everything else that’s out there.