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Tips for Creating the Optimal Homework Environment

Watch our video to see homework tips for kids who struggle!

If a student struggles with organization, staying on task and goal setting, homework time can be one of the biggest challenges of the day. If homework takes forever, a productive home environment is key to setting your child up for success.

We put together these practical tips for parents to help ease the stress of homework time by creating the optimal homework environment.

2023-06-21 22_28_18-BB 2022 Homework Environment Guide.pdf

Fill out the form to download our "Tips for Creating the Optimal Homework Environment” guide!

Brain Balance is the leading drug-free program helping kids move beyond challenges to achieve greater success. This personalized program is designed to improve focus, behavior, social skills, anxiety, and academic performance.

Check out the research and results of the Brain Balance Program. 

Fill out the form to download our Tips for Creating the Optimal Homework Environment” guide!
