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Quelling Math Anxiety: How to Identify and Effectively Teach Students with Dyscalculia

The following webinar was hosted by ADDitude Magazine and sponsored by Brain Balance.

Dyscalculia is a learning disability that makes it difficult to do math and tasks that involve math. It often leads to math anxiety — in students and even adults. It is not understood as well as dyslexia, but some experts believe dyscalculia is just as common. Children with ADHD symptoms are at higher risk for math difficulties compared to their neurotypical peers. They may not understand quantities or concepts like biggest vs. smallest or effectively apply principles to solve math problems.

Students with dyscalculia are often lost in the math classroom. They may be hopping ahead of their peers in reading and writing, but dread being embarrassed in math class. This webinar explains why even good math instruction “doesn’t stick” for the dyscalculic learner, and how to optimally engage at-risk students and achieve deep understanding of math concepts. Expert Renee Hamilton-Newman discusses the characteristics and origins of developmental math disorders, how certain methods and materials present challenges to LD students, and which tools and strategies reach the hard to teach.

In this webinar you will learn how to:

  • Identify dyscalculia in the classroom and at home
  • Identify deficient micro-skills that impair learning
  • Differentiate between inattention and failure to engage
  • Identify and prevent math anxiety
  • Instruct in the language of mathematics
  • Enhance deep understanding, mental flexibility, and logical reasoning
  • Equip students with relevant tools and strategies for understanding and reasoning about numbers in context and in symbols.

Fill out the form to access the webinar recording.
